
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

O Nashville, My Nashville!

So obviously this little blog has taken a little back-burner to the flooding that happened a couple weeks ago. I am sure most of you saw our pictures on facebook...and found out that we were EXTREMELY lucky. Since we live in Pennington Bend, we should have had a lot more damage.

Our poor babysitter was stuck with us from Saturday night until Monday evening when she was finally able to get back to Vanderbilt. We were all sitting around on Sunday watching a movie, when all of a sudden John says..." need to turn on the news RIGHT now." We did and I went outside where I heard voices. Just then our lawn guy comes tearing around the corner with lights on his truck and says, " You all have to evacuate..NOW. You have 45 min before they make you leave. Your house will be underwater." Wow. I lost it. He said, "You can't go South and you can't go just have to leave." We ran inside and starting packing bags not knowing how long we would be gone. With three adults, one baby and 2 dogs, we knew we couldn't go to a shelter...and we knew we wouldn't leave our dogs behind. We realized we were able to get on Briley W/N and go on 65 N hoping to just keep driving until we could find a hotel room. At that point a wonderful friend and past collegue texted me after seeing my fb plea for us to come to their house in Whitehouse, TN. It was an unbelievable blessing. Not only did they have a big yard for the dogs but a pack and play for Anna.

Late Monday, John and I decided to come back to the house to see the damage.

This is what we found in our front yard:

And our street: (this was actually taken by a friend...when we got there the red car was completely submerged)

We gathered photos and baby items and moved what we could to our second floor. We then rolled up rugs and flipped up chairs. The water was not inside our house but creeping into the garage and into John's car. We were told by someone on a boat in front of our house that they were releasing more water and that we had to leave. We could feel the current and cold water coming as we trudged back to the car.

John went back later that night and shared wonderful news! The water was receeding and we had ZERO flood damage except for boxes in the garage (that we needed to throw away anyways!). We feel extraordinarily lucky as we see damage just one neighborhood over from ours.

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